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DONETSK NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY (Ukraine) is looking for partners

DONETSK NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY (Ukraine) http://donntu.edu.ua/index.php?lang=eng

Project Description

Priority: Higher Education and Society/ Development of Partnerships with Businesses.

Title: Practice oriented training for students on the basis of University-Business partnerships development.

Goals and Objectives:

The Project goal is to strengthen practical and professional orientation of students’ training based on modernizing educational and methodological support for students and introducing new forms of practical training involving enterprises’ representatives in the educational process.

The project aims at creating organizational conditions for improving competitive attractiveness of graduates in the labor market and their employment opportunities.


• Monitoring the best practices and European experience in university-business partnerships and designing the practically oriented curricula.

• Modernizing syllabi, training programs, and a set of training and methodological materials for students under the guidance of businesses and professional associations.

• Introducing students’ practical preparation based on the case-oriented professional training sessions involving businesses. •

• Creating a program of students’ psychological and organizational adaptation to the workplace on the basis of the University's Career Center. •

• Developing and introducing special training sessions for students on goal setting, team building, and business communications at the university Career Centers. • Organizing the project teams’ Research Network involving students and teachers into joint projects to solve real professional problems at the enterprises’ requests in the frame of academic subjects and students’ research activities. •

• Creating a mechanism for universities, professional organizations and enterprises interaction to carry out integrated international research. •

• Holding seminars, workshops, and conferences with the participation of universities, professional organizations and businesses. •

• Introducing a permanent internship of university teachers at the enterprises for their professional development in order to ensure the practical orientation of the academic subjects taught. • Designing a structure and content of the Web portal "Business Portfolio" for businesses to place their orders on solving their practical problems. •

• Disseminating the project results at the national level promoting the use of the experience gained.

Expected results:

• Reformed curricula of bachelor's and master's degrees, updated content and format of the courses.

• An ongoing program "School of Successful Career" based on the Career Center of the University.

• A training platform for a professionally oriented sessions and workshops for students run by the business representatives on the basis of the University Business Center.

• A Joint international Research Network "It Works!", uniting students and teachers to solve practical tasks at request of the enterprises.

• Web portal "Business Portfolio", where companies can place their orders for mini-research done by students together with their teachers.

• A new form of preparing and presenting the multi-country interdisciplinary students’ theses.

Looking for: European universities with experience in partnerships with businesses; Ukrainian universities aiming at involving businesses in improving the quality of students’ training and employability.


Irina Shvets, - Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor, Head of the Human Resources Department, Deputy Director of the Scientific-Research Institute “Higher School of Economics and Management”.

irina_shvets@hotbox.ru, fax: 38-062-304-67-22

Mobile phone: +38-067-753-57-43; +38-099-22-088-13.


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