Національний Темпус / Еразмус+ 
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Як Ви ставитеся до Болонського процесу в Україні?


1.Main field of activities of your institution: Environment preservation, ecology

2. Previous international experience:

Programme or initiative: GLOBE (Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment), www.globe.gov

Beneficiary Organisation: Kazakh National University n.a. Al-Farabi

Title of the Project: «Modern laboratory, practical classes (in botany, geobotany, forestry, zoology, geography, environment preservation, ecology) in open-air biospheres territories of Issyk Kul and Sary-Chelek in Kyrgyzstan»

3. Information about the intended TEMPUS project:

• reform of a practical training programs nature science;

reform of the field practice for students.

4. Project proposal/description:

Reform of practical training programs, workshops and a field practice for the purpose of biodiversity conservation and a sustainable development of biosphere reserves.

Project Objectives:

• Creation of mobile complex laboratorys;

• Provision of projectively-computer laboratories, training classes in botany;

• Creation of the miniprinting-press;

• The reformation of a practical training programs in botany;

• The reformation of the field practice for students;

• The creation of educational video-lessons in botany, decorative floristics, flora and vegetation, geobotany, forestry, zoology, geography and ecology;

• The creation of the electronic textbooks;

• Conducting the expedition for young scientists in biospheric reserves;

• Establishment of the monitoring system for the genetic resources in biospheric territories in Kyrgyzstan;

• An establishment and a creation of the digital herbarium collection and archive of plants;

• The development of the project’s website;

• Creation of the popular science film "Botanical Gardens of the World";

• Holding the international scientific conference;

• Knowledge, experience exchange and implementation of the new learning technologies in Kyrgyzstan;

• Publications, books, manuals, handbooks, scientific manuals, printing illustrated brochures, leaflets, booklets;

• Training of the highly-professional staff in the field of life sciences$

• Ecological monitoring of biodiversity of biospferic territories Issyk-Kul and Sary-Chelek$

• To inculcate love to the nature, education of highly moral and well cultured young generation in the spirit of harmony with nature;

• ecologization of the population, propagation of the biodiversity conservation and a sustainable development of natural ecosystems.

 Project relevance:

Natural resources in high-mountain country Kyrgyzstan have attracted attention of many foreign scientists, travellers since ancient times. White belt of mountains and floodplain-forest steppes and tall-grasslands, conifers, fruit and nut forests, Alpine meadows of edelweiss, a valley of orchids, and transparently clear mountain Lake Issyk-Kul and Sary-Chelek do not leave people indifferent. Lake Issyk-Kul is one of the most incredibly beautiful, warm and very large (second largest lake in size after Lake Titicaca) and deepest mountain lakes of the world. For this reason it is called the “The pearl of the TianShan." Kyrgyzstan is rich with a biodiversity and water resources.

A variety of natural mountain landscapes in Kyrgyzstan on relatively small areas provides an excellent opportunity for the conservation of biological diversity. The country possesses about 3% of all planet species spite of the fact that the area of the country is only 0.03% of the planet. Thus the density of species per area unit is exceeded in 100 times in average in comparison with the rest of the world.

 Duration of the project: 36 months

 Contacts: Janyl Nurkanovna Sabirova.

Contact phones: +996 312 320240 (w), 541348 (h)

+543707183 (cell), jany_myrza@mail.ru


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