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€757.6 million for 2011-2013 ENPI Inter-regional cooperation

The European Commission is making available €757.6 million across six priority areas under its ENPI Inter-regional Programme (IRP) for the period 2011-2013, up from €523.9 million for the period 2007-2010.

The IRP provides effective support for the European Neighbourhood Policy and the Strategic Partnership with Russia through activities best organised and implemented at interregional level: “It will support initiatives which by their nature or size cannot be effectively supported through bilateral, regional or thematic programmes, while enabling specific commitments towards particular areas of policy interest.”

The ‘Revised Strategy Paper 2007-2013 and Indicative Programme 2011-2013’ said IRP priorities remained valid for 2011-13, as support for investment, higher education and regulatory reforms were still medium term objectives. However, it said, the launch of the Union for the Mediterranean and the Eastern Partnership in 2008, the experience of implementation of the Black Sea Synergy and the Northern Dimension, a re-assessment of bi-lateral co-operation with Russia alongside developing relations with Libya require re-examination of certain objectives to take account of developments.

Funding for the Indicative Programme for 2011-2013 will amount to 757.6 € million, breaking down as follows:

Promoting reform through European advice and expertise - €30 million

Support for the reform processes in the partner countries is at the core of the ENP and a key factor in the Common Space Road Maps agreed with Russia. The experience of the use of TAIEX and SIGMA shows that targeted, demand-driven, short-term European expert advice can be very effective in advancing sector reforms in partner countries as well as approximation to EU technical rules. TAIEX and SIGMA are both specific implementation mechanisms, which is why their financing will be pursued through IRP.

Promoting higher education reform and student mobility - €249 million

Actions in support of higher education reform, institutional cooperation and mobility of students and teaching staff are important as contributions to the development of the partner countries, but are equally important in promoting mutual understanding, contacts and dissemination of values and experiences. Continuing support to Tempus IV and to partnerships under Erasmus Mundus/Action 2 will underpin policy dialogue and enhanced contacts in the context of the future development of the Bologna Process.

Promoting cooperation between local actors in the EU and in the partner countries - €15 million

Promoting mutual understanding and cooperation between local actors in the EU and in the partner countries is a fundamental aim of the ENP, and also a key part of the Road Maps for the four Common Spaces with Russia. As a complement to investment in cross-border cooperation and to strengthen cooperation in governance and sustainable development between regional and local authorities on an inter-regional basis, support will be provided for a second phase of CIUDAD.

Promoting investment projects in ENP partner countries - NIF €450 million

Large-scale investment in energy and transport infrastructure, the environment, social sectors and small and medium enterprise development will be crucial to enable ENP partner countries to recover from the financial crisis, sustain job creation and promote equitable socioeconomic development. It will also be an essential tool to advance regional co-operation in the context of the Black Sea Synergy, the Eastern Partnership, the Northern Dimension and the Union for the Mediterranean. On the basis of the positive experience with the Neighbourhood Investment Facility (NIF) in 2007-10, proportionate and adequate support for its continuation will be provided in the period 2011-13.

Promoting cooperation between ENP partners and EU agencies - €3.6 million

In order to facilitate enhanced sector cooperation between interested ENP partners and relevant EC agencies, specific tailor-made support will need to be provided, aligned to individual case requirements. The relevant international aspects of EU policies in the areas of food safety, disease prevention, drugs and environmental protection will also need to be actively considered in this regard.

Promoting Inter-Regional Cultural Action (People to People)- €10 million

To respond to political guidance on the role of culture in external relations and to complement relevant national and regional actions, support will be provided for the development of an inter-regional (East-South) action with a particular focus on the independent cultural sector and the promotion of contacts between people. This would allow for improved civic participation in reform processes while achieving a critical mass to transform the cultural sector across the ENPI region.

ENPI Inter-regional Programme Revised Strategy Paper 2007-2013 and Indicative Programme 2011-2013

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Інститут Лідерства, Інновацій та Розвитку


Проекти TEMPUS

У межах програми Темпус I, II, III з 1993 по 2009 рр. за участі партнерів з України було реалізовано близько 300 проектів Темпус. За результатами шести конкурсів програми Темпус IV 2007-2013 рр. за участю українських партнерів реалізується 94 проект Темпус, з них 76 Спільних проектів і 18 проекти Структурних заходів, включаючи 20 національних та 74 багатонаціональних проекти.


Управлiння проектом Темпус

Інформація для проектних команд учасників програми Темпус: обов'язково дотримуйтесь правил щодо візуальної підтримки проектів (Tempus visibility rules). 

Усі діючі проекти програми Темпус, які реалізуються за участю партнерів з України, необхідно обов'язково зареєструвати в Міністерстві економіки України.


Еразмус Мундус

Інформація про освітню програму ЄС - Еразмус Мундус, націлену на активізацію міжнародного співробітництва та підвищення мобільності серед студентів, викладачів, науковців європейських університетів і вищих навчальних закладів третіх країн на всіх континентах.


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