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Як Ви ставитеся до Болонського процесу в Україні?

Crimean University of Culture, Arts and Tourism

Crimean University of Culture, Arts and Tourism is the only one state university of arts and culture in the Crimea.

The University will be pleased to be a partner in Tempus and Erasmus Mundus programmes.

THE MAIN DIRECTIONS OF RESEARCH WORK OF UNIVERSITY FACULTIES AND DEPARTMENTS:Educational reform in universities of art, culture and humanitarian; Anthropology, cultural anthropology, visual anthropology;Arts; Culture; Museum Studies; Library Science.

Contact person: Danishevskaya Helena, Head of Department of International Relations of Crimean University of Culture, Arts and Tourism.

 Kiivskaya str. 39, Simferopol, Ukraine

tel. +3 0652 274403

fax. +3 0652 517732

mob tel. тел. +3 067 1365610


Our history begins from 1948. Crimean University of Culture, Arts and Tourism develops better then has been accumulated over decades in the famous artistic institution - the Crimean College of culture.

Crimean University of Culture, Arts and Tourism prepares new generation of specialists in the field of culture, arts, libraries and museums, in which the Crimea needs the most acute. Promoting the preservation and increase of spiritual values, cultural traditions among the peoples of multinational Crimea, educational institution provides great attention to work with disabled categories of population.

Last Projects:

2009 Seminars in 10 Ukrainian Universities - "National Interests of Ukraine", USA Embassy, Fulbnght Program, 2009.

2008 Ethnic Village - "Crimean World" - Visegrad Fund

2007 Conference "National Interests of Ukraine", USA Embassy, Fulbright Program, International Renaissance Foundation, 2007.

2006 The Program "Crimean World", First Stage. Making of Photo album "Crimea. Armenians. Ten Centuries of Creation", Armenian Society of Crimea, Republican Committee in the field of Nationalities and Deported Citizens, 2006.

2004 Course "Public Administration: USA and Ukraine", Eurasia Foundation, 2004.


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