National Tempus / Erasmus+
Office in Ukraine

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About us

EU-funded project "National Tempus-office in Ukraine".

on March 28, 2009 the Grant Agreement was signed between the Education and Culture Directorate General  of European Commision and NGO Institute for Leadership, Innovation and Development to operate as the project "National Tempus-office in Ukraine".

Period of Activities: from March 1, 2009 till December 31, 2010. New Grant Agreement signed on December 10, 2010 with the elegibility period January 1, 2011 till December 31, 2013, Ammended to December 31, 2014 with the Education, Audiovisual and Culture EC Executive Agency and renamed into National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine.

The project "National Tempus Office" assists the partner countries authorities in the implementation of the Tempus programme. It follows the partner country policy in the field of higher education. Beside the EU Delegation and complementarily with it, the National Tempus Office is a focal point in the country for all actors, potential applicants, beneficiaries and stakeholders at large as regards the EACEA and the European Commission's activities and programmes in the area of higher education.

Overall objective:

Through this grant, the project "National Tempus Office" contributes to the following overall objective: to improve the relevance, effectiveness and impact of the Tempus programme in Ukraine.

Results to be achieved by the project "National Tempus Office"

- High awareness and visibility in the partner country about the Tempus and other EU educational programmes including new programme ERASMUS+ (in higher education and Jean Monnet).

- Assistance and consultations provided to Tempus local potential applicants, applicants and beneficiaries. Assistance and consultations provided to any stakeholder involved in the implementation of the Tempus programme.

- Field monitoring plans implemented. Projects monitored on the spot at different stage of their implementation. Recommendations proposed for the follow up of project's implementation.

- Feedback on project applications circulated by the EACEA during selection processes.

- Upon specific request by the EACEA or Commission's Directorate Generals, contribution provided in the framework of the realisation of studies, analysis, statistics, report related to higher education

- Support to the EACEA for the organisation of events in the partner country

- Support to the team of Higher Education Reform Experts (HEREs)

 - High awareness and visibility in the partner country about other European Union higher education programmes and initiatives, in particular about the Erasmus Mundus, Jean Monnet programmes.

Target groups

Visibility about the Tempus programme is to be ensured to the wider audience and in particular to:

- All Tempus and new ERASMUS+ beneficiaries and potential beneficiaries in the country (higher education institutions, staff and students; civil society; non governmental organisations; enterprises and professional organisations, research institutions, vocational training institutions) and any other stakeholder in the field of higher education.

- All European potential applicants, grant holders, beneficiaries and other stakeholder in the field of higher education

- National authorities in charge of higher education, vocational training and their affiliate bodies.

The EACEA is responsible for managing the agreement and approving the activity plan and estimated budget. The EU Delegation in the partner country is closely associated in all activities. The NTO maintains contacts with other National Tempus Offices, in particular in the same region and with National Contact Points (in particular for partner search and exchange of good practices).

Project "NTO in Ukraine" team: Svitlana Shytikova, Olena Orzhel, Svitlana Batsyukova, Zhanna Talanova

Contact information: tel. 00380443322645, tel./fax. 00380442866668, e-mail:, web-site:

The project has been funded by the European Union.


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Institute for Leadership, Innovations and Development


Tempus Projects

During the I, II, III phases of the Tempus Program since 1993 to 2009 with active participation of the Ukrainian partners about 300 projects implemented. As the result of the six calls for proposals of Tempus IV 94 projects in Ukraine include 76 Joint Projects (including 12 national ones) and 18 Structural Measures (including 6 national ones).

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Manage Your Tempus Project

The key information important for project teams have been implementing the Tempus Projects is placed at the website of the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agence (EACEA). Useful information and recommendations as well as announcements on the projects events are placed under the Manage your Tempus Project.

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Erasmus Mundus

Erasmus Mundus  is an education program of the European Union; it is aimed at increasing attractiveness of European higher education, fostering international cooperation, accelerating mobility for  university students, teachers and scholars in the EU and worldwide.

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