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'Tempus@20: Ministerial Conference to Celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Tempus Programme

This event is organised within the framework of the European Union Tempus Programme, which is funded by the EuropeAid Development and Co-operation Directorate-General and the Directorate-General for Enlargement of the European Commission. It is organised under the auspices of Mr. Štefan Füle, European Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy, and Dr. Žarko Obradović, Minister of Education, Republic of Serbia.

The aim of this conference is to look back over the past 20 year of the Tempus programme and highlight its success.

250 participants have been invited including Ministers of Education and Foreign Affairs from the 27 EU Member States and 28 Tempus Partner Countries outside the EU, representatives from the Ministry of Education, Serbia, where the event will take place, representatives from the European Commission and other international organisations active in the field of higher education. Representatives from the National Tempus Offices in the Tempus Partner Countries and National Contact Points in the EU Member States have also been invited, as well as 20 project beneficiaries, who will present examples of good practice.

Working language: English (with translation into French, German, Arabic, Russian, Serbian and vice-versa).

Details available at: http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus/events/tempus_20_ministerial_conference.php


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