Національний Темпус / Еразмус+ 
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Bogomolets National Medical University is looking for partners to cooperate under Erasmus +

Bogomolets National Medical University is looking for partners to cooperate under Erasmus +

Main field of activities:

Bogomolets National Medical University (NMU) is leading institution in academic and methodical work among higher educational medical institutions of III IV level of accreditation in Ukraine and it is basic medical university for coordination and implementation of Bologna process in higher medical education in Ukraine. NMU provides training of specialists for practical health care on both undergraduate (2 directions and 7 specialities: General Medicine, Dentistry, Pediatrics, Pharmacy, Technology of Perfume Cosmetic Drugs, Preventive Medicine, Medical Psychology) and postgraduate (34 specialities) levels.

The University has highly professional faculty: academic process is provided by 1200 professors, including 190 Doctors of Sciences and 720 PhD, associated professors. The structure of NMU is represented by 12 departments and 79 chairs.

Kyiv University of Law of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine is looking for partners

The University is the only educational and scientific complex in the system of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, on the high professional level training specialists, mastering four foreign language, offering the courses of Bachelor’s, Specialist’s, Master’s Degree in Law, International Law or International Economic Relations as well as post-graduate courses. The university has the system approach to the issues of European and world educational community integration that reflects in the gradual development of cooperation with foreign higher educational establishments. More information is at the our web-site http://en.kul.kiev.ua/novini/

Information about the intended project:

National Aviation University is looking for partners

National Aviation University (NAU) as a leading technical university for aviation working to compose a project in the sphere of Green Transportation Initiatives (including aviation, auto transportation, and water transportation)

NAU is a leading technical university for aviation in Ukraine. Today it is a powerful scientific-technical metropolis consisted of 15 institutions and 21 faculties. The quality of education provides highly skilled staff including 37 academicians and correspondents of NAS and 230 Drs of Sc. In 1999-2000 on the basis of the Labor Protection and Environmental Protection Chairs, the Airport Faculty of NAU introduced a new educational curriculum — Ecology with specialization in “Ecology and Environmental Protection”. The 3-level educational programs (BA, specialist and MA degree) in Environmental Sciences were created and introduced during 1999-2004. The Faculty for Environmental Protection organized in 2003 was then transformed into the Institute for Environmental Safety in 2010. NAU has accumulated the significant educational and scientific potential in aviation and other transportation due to long-term activity of this educational institution.

Project proposal/description:

The Tempus Project Creates New Preconditions of Education Development in a Sphere of Information Technologies

At Oxford, Oxford Brooks University from 08 to 12 December 2013 the coordination meeting of the Tempus project "National Education Framework for Enhancing IT Students Innovation and Entrepreneurship" took place.

The meeting took place in the form of a round table with the participation of international business experts from 5 European universities and representatives of Ukrainian and European IT companies. The meeting was a review of existing European models of student entrepreneurship in IT and discussion of standards of higher education in Ukraine towards software engineering and IT capabilities commercialization projects involving students, universities and other institutions.


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Інститут Лідерства, Інновацій та Розвитку


Проекти TEMPUS

У межах програми Темпус I, II, III з 1993 по 2009 рр. за участі партнерів з України було реалізовано близько 300 проектів Темпус. За результатами шести конкурсів програми Темпус IV 2007-2013 рр. за участю українських партнерів реалізується 94 проект Темпус, з них 76 Спільних проектів і 18 проекти Структурних заходів, включаючи 20 національних та 74 багатонаціональних проекти.


Управлiння проектом Темпус

Інформація для проектних команд учасників програми Темпус: обов'язково дотримуйтесь правил щодо візуальної підтримки проектів (Tempus visibility rules). 

Усі діючі проекти програми Темпус, які реалізуються за участю партнерів з України, необхідно обов'язково зареєструвати в Міністерстві економіки України.


Еразмус Мундус

Інформація про освітню програму ЄС - Еразмус Мундус, націлену на активізацію міжнародного співробітництва та підвищення мобільності серед студентів, викладачів, науковців європейських університетів і вищих навчальних закладів третіх країн на всіх континентах.


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