National Tempus / Erasmus+
Office in Ukraine

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Всеукраїнський Іінформаційний день Програми Темпус в Україні 2011

21 грудня 2011 р. Національний Темпус-офіс в Україні разом з Київським національним університетом імені Тараса Шевченка та за підтримки Міністерства освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України, Національної академії педагогічних наук України і Представництва Європейського Союзу в Україні провели семінар “Всеукраїнський інформаційний день Програми ТЕМПУС ІV в Україні”.

Щорічні семінари Програми Темпус, організовані Національним Темпус-офісом в Україні спільно з вищими навчальними закладами та за підтримки Представництва Європейського Союзу в Україні, Міністерства освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України, а також Виконавчого агентства з питань освіти, аудіовізуальних засобів та культури ЄС, стали традиційними.

21 грудня 2011 р. Кампанію Інформаційних днів програми Темпус 2011 року завершив Всеукраїнських Інформаційний день у Києві. У різних містах України, зокрема Одеса, Дніпропетровськ і Київ пройшла низка інформаційних заходів Програми Темпус, під час яких було презентовано результати четвертого конкурсу Програми Темпус ІV; особливості та новації п’ятого конкурсу Програми Темпус IV, умови участі, процедуру відбору, правила заповнення електронної аплікаційної форми та супроводжуючих документів, рекомендації щодо підготовки проектної пропозиції, успішний досвід попередніх проектів; а також інші європейські освітні програми для України – Еразмус Мундус і Жана Моне.

Від Представництва Європейського Союзу в Україні у заході взяли участь – Керівник програм співробітництва Ендрю Расбаш, який виступив перед учасниками щодо стратегії розвитку ЄС та перспектив розвитку європейських освітніх програм та участі України в цих програмах, і керівник сектору освіти, науки і технологій та інформаційного суспільства Віра Рибак.

NTO/NCP Meeting 2011

13-15 December 2011. NTO/NCPs meeting, training for new NTOs in Brussels EACEA. Updates on the latest developments within EACEA as for Tempus, new calls, studies,HERE team activities, NTO reporting etc.

Tempus 4th call Project Teams meeting

December 12-13, 2011. Meeting gathered representatives of the Tempus projects selected under the third call for proposals of Tempus IV and addressed practical issues such as grant agreement management (rules and reporting requirements) and financial management. The meeting was an excellent opportunity for new and experienced practitioners to exchange knowledge and to network with other projects in a similar subject area or partner country. The materilas will be available soon at

NTO in Ukrine wishes good luck to all Tempus teams and is at your disposal if any assistance from Ukraine required!

“Tempus and Erasmus Mundus – Opportunities for the Eastern Partnership”

Place and date: Kiev – Ukraine on 5 and 6 December 2011

Target Countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.

Aim of the event: to promote the Tempus and Erasmus Mundus (notably Action 2) programmes in the 6 Eastern Partnership countries; to enhance the regional dimension of the two programmes and to involve those institutions that have less exposure to international programmes.

Conference web-site:

Kyiv, 5 December. The EU Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilinguism and Youth, Ms. Androulla Vassiliou, opened the large regional conference on the Tempus and Erasmus Mundus programmes.

Part of Eastern Partnership (EaP)’s “Contact between People”, about 300 higher education (HE) stakeholders from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine attended to hear more about the programmes and increased opportunities resulting from significant increase to the programmes’ budgets for 2011-2013 period.

Place and date: Kiev – Ukraine                   on 5 and 6 December 2011

Target Countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.


Aim of the event: to promote the Tempus and Erasmus Mundus (notably Action 2) programmes in the 6 Eastern Partnership countries; to enhance the regional dimension of the two programmes and to involve those institutions that have less exposure to international programmes.


Participants will learn more about the two programmes; they will receive information on how to prepare (or become involved in) project applications and will have concrete opportunities to network, which will undoubtedly lead to new institutional partnerships being formed.


Participants will be better-placed to inform a wider audience about the mobili

Place and date: Kiev – Ukraine on 5 and 6 December 2011

Target Countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.

Aim of the event: to promote the Tempus and Erasmus Mundus (notably Action 2) programmes in the 6 Eastern Partnership countries; to enhance the regional dimension of the two programmes and to involve those institutions that have less exposure to international programmes.

Participants will learn more about the two programmes; they will receive information on how to prepare (or become involved in) project applications and will have concrete opportunities to network, which will undoubtedly lead to new institutional partnerships being formed.

Participants will be better-placed to inform a wider audience about the mobility opportunities available to students and academics.

The event will help to bring the 6 Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries closer to the European Union and to strengthen the Eastern Europe regional dimension, in line with the Tempus IV and Erasmus Mundus philosophy.

As a result of this event, we should see good quality proposals submitted under future calls for proposals and an increased involvement from institutions located in remote areas of the countries concerned.

ty opportunities available to students and academics.


The event will help to bring the 6 Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries closer to the European Union and to strengthen the Eastern Europe regional dimension, in line with the Tempus IV and Erasmus Mundus philosophy.

As a result of this event, we should see good quality proposals submitted under future calls for proposals and an increased involvement from institutions located in remote areas of the countries concerned.

EU Commissioner announces New "Erasmus for All"

With European Union Education budgets for the Eastern Partnership significantly increased this year, university cooperation and individual student and professor mobility will be boosted. A regional conference on EU Programmes Tempus and Erasmus Mundus highlighted these new opportunities and brought together 300 representatives from higher education institutions and key partners in Kyiv 5-6 December. "Erasmus for All", which opens the EU programme to even more students, will bring together all beneficiaries into one global community of scholars and university staff as of 2014. Ms. Androulla Vassiliou, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism, Sport, and Youth, opened the conference and held a public speech in the National University of Kyiv - Mohyla Academy.

"The privileged relations between the EU and its Neighbours have led to closer political association, deeper economic integration, increased mobility and more contacts between people. Cooperation between universities and their staff and the mobility of their students is an important aspect of this privileged relation and of higher education's increasingly international nature" said Commissioner Vassiliou.

Strengthened engagement in the area of education is a crucial element of the EU Neighbourhood Policy. Particular attention is given to support for young people, students, and university staff, who play an important role in the current democratisation and modernisation processes.


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